Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sin As Part Of The Game

Sin requires the prequisite of belief. To claim a non-believer can commit sin is like saying someone walking down the street outside a stadium during a baseball game can strike out.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

We Have Better Information Now

I think it is a general truism that has time progresses the quality of the stuff we discover and understand increases. If that's accurate, then to simply say "we have better information now" when asked about ancient religous texts should be enough to stop the assertion that old information trumps the new.

Belief Test

Believing is to resting as thinking is to [blank].

Answer: running.

Friday, November 12, 2010


By replacing horses with cars people unknowingly granted themselves greater freedoms than first imagined by being able to behave in the streets in ways that would have bothered the horses.

Misuse Of Guns

If misused, guns cause less harm than if used correctly and as designed.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Poem For Believers

A "poem" for believers who won't leave you alone and won't listen.

You believe, I don't.
So, go away.
I think, you don't.
Really, go away.

Use as your only reply to every inquiry until they cease.

Gods Must Be Evil By Design

It appears that when humans create religions with a single god he is evil and destructive because the natural forces of the planet aren't naturally kind to human existence. To create a god that was otherwise would be immediately disproven.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nothing To Lose

Does a believer have "nothing to lose" by being offered unconditional forgiveness just by asking? If so, isn't a believer more dangerous to others than not, which is the opposite of the condition being claimed?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Evolution Of Jesus

If there was a person who actually existed in the early 1st century who was the single human seed from which the Christian cult began (whether named Jesus or not), there's no way to know for sure what he said or did. There are simply no contemporary accounts, which means there is also no way to tell for sure if the resulting cult's stories didn't come from a combination of stories about mythical figures who never existed along with one or two who did.

Even if there were contemporary accounts which included the same stories as contained in the Gospels, the claims of those accounts would likely not be seen as any more valid given the outlandishness of the stories contained within them. Even today, contemporary stories of miracles and magic aren't taken as truthful because of the claims themselves, not because of their distance from the events they claim happened.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Giving In

An astute and legitimate political leader says: "These are the facts and we will act accordingly." The current crop of Democratic politicians seem to have this state of mind instead: "These are the facts, but if you don't agree we'll do it your way."

Monday, November 1, 2010

End Of Racism

We'll know that we've eliminated racism when a racist comment is seek as a pathetic joke by everyone else but the teller, including the target who honestly puts LOL after repeating it online.